News and popular topics
The most recent news and helpful articles on topics important to applicants.

Wondering why there are two deadlines? Find out what you need to do by the January date and the February date.
There are several steps and decisions that are made during the processing of your admissions application. Find out more about them - and what you can do after each one.
Congratulations! You've been offered a place in a course or programme and will be studying in Sweden. Find out what your next steps should be.
There are two admissions rounds available for students to apply to in each semester: the First and Second round. Here are answers to common questions about them.
More documents may sound like a good idea, but it can actually cause a delay in the processing of your application. We only need one set of your documents to review your application.
If you've been offered admission, we certainly hope you'll be coming to Sweden! If you won't be attending, it's good that you decline your offer so waiting list students can be awarded the place.