Submitting your documents

There are two ways to submit your documents to University Admissions - upload them here on this website, or send them in via regular post.

Most applicants can upload their upper secondary qualifications

Uploading documents is the fastest, safest and easiest way to get your documents to us.

You can, of course, submit all your documents via the postal service or a delivery service if you have problems scanning and uploading. 

Are you required to have your school submit documents directly?

If you've completed your upper secondary studies in the United States, you must have your upper secondary documentation sent directly from your school.

Check the university website regarding other documents

Universities may require other documentation, such as letters of motivation, essays, recommendation letters, etc. 

  • Only submit these types of documents if specifically requested by the university. Check the course description page at the university website to find out what is required.
  • Follow the university's instructions as to how they would like you to submit these documents. 

Select your submission method

The following are ways you can get your documents to University Admissions:

Most documents can be uploaded to University Admissions. We encourage you to use this service whenever possible as your documents will arrive quickly, easily and safely.

Scan your original documents in colour and upload them under the Documents tab

  1. Log in to your account here at
  2. Go to 'My pages' and select 'Documents'.
  3. Read 'Information before getting started' for important general instructions.
  4. Follow the step-by-step instructions for uploading your documents.

How will I know my documents have arrived?

When you upload your documents, you're adding them directly to your application in the electronic admissions system. 

  • Any file name you see listed on the 'Documents' page is a file that has been added to your admissions application.

  • You cannot currently open or view the documents you've uploaded. Check the names of the files we've received against the files on your computer to see what you've submitted.

Can I delete some of the documents I've uploaded?

Unfortunately, you can't. According to Swedish law, once a document has been received, it's an officially registered document and cannot be deleted. 

Tip: If you're submitting a CV, letter of recommendation or letter of intent, be sure you have the final version you wish to submit before you upload it. 

What do you mean by postal service and registered mail?

With postal service, we mean when you put your documents in an envelope, attach the right postage, and send it through the post office. 

Registered mail is when you pay a fee so that you'll get a receipt that your documents were received by University Admissions. Registered mail is usually managed by the postal service. 

Preparing your documents

  • Please send certified (stamped and signed) copies. (Read more about certified copies)

  • Do not send original documents unless you are specifically requested to do so.

  • Always include the cover sheet. You can find the cover sheet when you log in to your account here under 'Application'. Place the cover sheet as the first document.

  • Write your application number (found on the Application page in your account) on all documents.
  • Send the documents in one envelope to the address indicated on the cover sheet. 

  • Only send one set of documents. Avoid using staplers, paper clips, and documents printed on both sides.

  • Do not upload copies of your documents if you're submitting them using the regular postal service or registered mail. Sending in multiple sets of documents will not increase your chances of being offered a place and will delay the processing of your application.

Address for documents sent by postal service and registered mail

If you submit your supporting documentation to us using the regular postal service (this includes registered mail), use the address below. If you use another address, your documents will not reach us.

PostNord Strålfors AB
Att: University Admissions in Sweden
SE-190 81 Rosersberg

How will I know my documents have arrived?

If you submitted your documents by registered mail, you should get a receipt that they've been received. This does not mean they've been scanned and registered in our system, for a few reasons:

  • When University Admissions receives your documents, they're placed in a queue to wait for processing. Because all documents are made available in the electronic admissions system, they must be scanned and then registered.

  • Opening envelopes, scanning and reviewing the many documents we receive can take time. We ask for your patience. 

When your documents have been scanned and registered into the system, you'll find a listing under 'Documents' when you log in to your account here. The date will be when your documents physically arrived at University Admissions. 

Can I have my documents returned to me?

University Admissions is unable to return any documents you submit to us. Be sure not to send any originals unless specifically requested. Even if you accidentally submitted originals, they will not be returned.

What's a delivery service?

A delivery service is a company that delivers your documents to University Admissions. You get a receipt letting you know the documents were received. The most common delivery services are DHL and FedEx. These companies charge a fee to deliver your documents. 

Preparing your documents

  • Please send certified (stamped and signed) copies. (Read more about certified copies)

  • Do not send original documents unless you are specifically requested to do so.

  • Always include the cover sheet. You can find the cover sheet when you log in to your account here under 'Application'. Place the cover sheet as the first document.

  • Write your application number (found on the Application page in your account) on all documents.
  • Send the documents in one envelope to the address stated on the cover sheet. 

  • Only send one set of documents. Avoid using staplers, paper clips, and documents printed on both sides.

  • Do not upload copies of your documents if you're submitting them using a delivery service. Sending in multiple sets of documents will not increase your chances of being offered a place and will delay the processing of your application.

Address for documents sent by a delivery service

This address can only be used for documents sent using FedEx, DHL and other delivery services. Documents sent using the postal service or registered mail to this address will not reach us.

PostNord Strålfors AB
Att: University Admissions in Sweden
Järngatan 11, Kaj 21-25
SE-190 81 Rosersberg

How will I know my documents have arrived?

If you submitted your documents using a delivery service, you should receive a receipt indicating they've been received. This does not mean they've been scanned and registered in our system, for a few reasons:

  • When University Admissions receives your documents, they are placed in a queue to wait for processing. Because all documents are made available in the electronic admissions system, they must be scanned and then registered.

  • Opening envelopes, scanning and reviewing the many documents we receive can take time. We ask for your patience. 

When your documents have been scanned and registered into the system, you'll find a listing under 'Documents' when you log in to your account here. The date will be when your documents physically arrived at University Admissions. 

Can I have my documents returned to me?

University Admissions is unable to return any documents you submit to us. Be sure not to send any originals unless specifically requested. Even if you accidentally submitted originals, they will not be returned.

Have you completed studies in Sweden?

Students who've studied at an upper secondary school (gymnasium) or adult education centre (komvux) in Sweden usually have their courses and grades listed in Beda, the electronic grades database.

For your information to be transferred to your University Admissions account, you must have the same Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) listed in both accounts. If you don't know if your grades are listed in Beda, contact the school you attended.

Did you create your account with an email address?

If the username on your account at is an email address, this must be updated to the personnummer listed in Beda. This is so that your grades can be transferred electronically to your admissions account. Contact University Admissions for help with changing your account information. 

Please note that an applicant may only have one account at Do not create a new account with your personnummer.

Contact University Admissions in Sweden

Last updated: 28 October 2022